The Architect

    The Architect – dEUS

    What is the architect doing?
    He is by the riverside
    What is he thinking out there?
    He is committing egocide
    Now isn’t that a strange thing?
    Well to him it feels just
    Well we guess a person’s gotta do,
    What a person feels he must

    He said:
    I won’t throw myself from the pier
    I’m gonna go home and shut up for a year
    And when the year is over I’ll reappear
    And have a solution
    I’ve reason to believe that what I find
    Is gonna change the face of human kind
    And all these years before well I was blind
    That’s my conclusion
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect

    Now the man has understood
    That outer space is overrated and too
    About all the problems on this earth we should
    Worry now to solve them later
    And so he’s brooding and alluding on a perfect design
    He thinks that working on behalf of himself is a crime
    He flushes out by the water, a view so divine
    He’s the architect of his own fate, a man in his prime

    He said:
    I won’t throw myself from the pier
    I’m gonna go home and shut up for a year
    And when that year is over I’ll reappear
    And have a solution
    I’ve reason to believe that what I find
    Is gonna change the face of human kind
    And all these years before well I was blind
    That’s my conclusion
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect

    And so he drew himself a pentagon
    Thinking it through a geodesic dome
    From the coast of Tahiti, to the hills of Rome
    Step aside cause the man will take the Nobel prize home

    He said:
    I won’t throw myself from the pier
    I’m gonna go home and shut up for a year
    And when that year is over I’ll reappear
    And have a solution
    Now if these aspirations bother you
    Well you are just you, you don’t have a clue
    I’m sticking to the plan I will see it through
    Let there be no confusion
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect
    Cause I’m the architect

    la playlist dell’architetto è qui:

    10 thoughts on “The Architect

      1. si ma c’è il bridge: ” ‘couse i’m the architect” che è pheego :)

        cmq…oggi sono passato in centro è ho visto l’opera di immane ingegno et gusto…la parole chiave che si sentivano: ” scacchi, scacchiera, giochiamo a scacchi…”. siccome io sò + anticonformista ho proposto il gioco della campana e il “zompacavallo” come alternative…

        1. sono quelle idee che tra 500 anni diventeranno meta di turisti e attrazione architettonica cittadine. tzè, alla faccia degli incompetenti criticoni…

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